
Hi, welcome. If you like table tennis, you’re in the right place. If not, this blog will hopefully encourage you to pick up a bat. Maybe for the first time? Maybe for the first time in years?

If you take just one thing away from this blog, let it be this. Table tennis can be played by anyone. Don’t let any old codger in shorts that are too small tell you any different. If you don’t believe me, or just want some general inspiration, just Google ‘Ibrahim Hamato’. That should set you right.

Anyway, this blog is about table tennis (if you hadn’t guessed). There will be a little bit about the top level of the sport (which is well worth a watch), but mainly it will be about table tennis at its lowest (and purest) form.

Now I’ve played local league table tennis for many years (ten maybe), but I have come across several players who have been playng since the 19th century which reiterates my statement above.

I have so many stories and strange things that have happened to me while playing. Not to mention the weird and wonderful people I have met on the way. This makes me think, if I have enough material for a blog, those who have been playing for hundreds of years must have enough for a novel by now. Something for me to think about.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and please do have a gander round.